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University of Oregon Foundation


The University of Oregon Foundation supports the mission of the University of Oregon by receiving, investing, and disbursing private gifts given to the university. As a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, the UO Foundation maximizes private gifts for the university’s benefit in accordance with donor intent.


What We Do


Receive, Manage and Distribute Funds

The Foundation’s primary role is to receive, manage and distribute funds. When donors give to the university, the gift is collected by the Foundation, where it is prudently managed until requested by the university for purposes that align with donors’ intent. 


Learn more about the relationship between the university, donors and
the Foundation

Collaboration with University Partners

The Foundation collaborates with various departments across campus in a variety of ways, including creation of gift agreements, management of deferred and complex gifts, and stewardship of donor funds for appropriate spending, among others. 


Trustee Excellence Fund

Created in May 2015, the Trustee Excellence Fund is overseen by the Foundation Board of Trustees’ Advancement Committee to support emerging and impactful opportunities at the University of Oregon. The Trustee Excellence Fund promotes academic excellence by issuing awards to university students, staff, faculty and programs based upon evaluation of proposals submitted to the committee. To date, the Trustee Excellence Fund has awarded $863,300 to campus partners in support of academic excellence at the University of Oregon. 

2023 Campus Endowment Distributions

Gifts made to the UO Foundation have a direct impact on the university that is felt across campus. In fiscal year 2023, the Foundation distributed a total of $41 million to the University of Oregon.


Student Scholarships


Faculty & Research


Student Academic & Operational Support



Other University Support


Celebrating 100 Years

A statement from our President & CEO, Paul Weinhold

Milestone anniversaries will always draw attention.  One hundred years deserves so much more.  When I imagine where the Foundation started in 1922, I am struck by the magnitude and importance of the Foundation today.  With assets exceeding $3 billion, the University of Oregon Foundation is a meaningful contributor to the financial health and wellbeing of the university, its faculty, students and staff.  It is an honor and a privilege to be part of this organization and witness firsthand the impact it has on the University of Oregon.


Stewardship is an important theme for our staff.  We recognize that each one of us plays a vital role and that our roles are temporary in comparison to the longevity of the Foundation.  While today we are celebrating one hundred years of service, we are proud that the Foundation will be here for hundreds of years to come, and it is our responsibility to ensure that we leave the organization in a better place for those who will come after us. Leading with our values of Trust, Integrity, Commitment and Respect in every action and interaction has been integral in remaining good stewards of the assets we manage on behalf of donors and the university.


The Foundation is legally separate from the University of Oregon, but we exist to serve the university and its donors.  The partnership we share with our colleagues at the university is strong and we are aligned.  The financial success and growth of the endowment is due in large part to this incredible partnership, the generosity of our donors and a commitment to helping the university continue on the path of excellence.


The Trustees of the Foundation are and have been the organization’s guiding lights.  In the years I have been here, the generosity and commitment of Foundation Trustees has been inspiring and we are all grateful for their guidance, passion and support.  Like the staff at the Foundation, our Trustees are devoted to doing what is right and making the organization better.  I can say with confidence that the ethos present in the Trustees who are currently serving is consistent with those who have served over the last one hundred years.


The Foundation is healthy and strong at 100 and the future is very bright for decades to come. I am proud to share this remarkable milestone with you. Thank you for your continued support of the Foundation and the University of Oregon.


Paul Weinhold


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