The University of Oregon Foundation is proud to be a leader in good corporate governance for the nonprofit sector. Integrity and good governance are critical to The Foundation's work as fiduciary for donors to the university. Numerous checks and balances exist to ensure the integrity of our business and financial decisions, polices, and procedures.
Board of Trustees
The Foundation Board of Trustees consists of up to 30 members who are selected for their professional expertise and consistent support of the university. The Board's main responsibilities include overseeing the management and administration of the Foundation and its assets. The Board has adopted the Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice, A Guide for Charities and Foundations released by the Panel on the Nonprofit Sector, modified to reflect the specific governance model and needs of the Foundation. The principles address legal compliance and public disclosure, effective governance, strong financial oversight, and fiduciary responsibilities.
External Audits and Internal Controls
An independent external auditor annually audits the Foundation, and provides a review of internal controls and an opinion on whether the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Foundation in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Additionally, the Foundation has implemented COSO-2013, an integrated framework for internal control that facilitates the design, implementation, and assessment of effective controls to meet operations, reporting, and compliance objectives. The Foundation's audited financial statements are available online.
Partnership with the University
There is an open line of communication between the Foundation Board of Trustees, Foundation leadership, the UO Board of Trustees, the UO President, and the Vice President for University Advancement that ensures Foundation decisions are made solely to promote the best interests of the donors, the university and the Foundation.
Gift Administration
We regulate the use of gifts through numerous internal and external controls. Each request from the university to spend donor monies must be approved by a university administrator and is individually reviewed by the Foundation to ensure the requested use is consistent with the donor purpose of the fund. In addition, university-authorized signers receive regular financial statements documenting spending activity for each gift fund.