Gifts of Real Estate
A gift of real estate provides a lasting benefit to the university while relieving you of the responsibilities of property ownership/liquidation and generating a charitable deduction and other tax advantages. These gifts could include residences, vacation homes, farms, forest land, commercial property, income producing property, or undeveloped land. Typically, gifts of real estate are sold as soon as practically and prudently possible to meet your needs and directives.
Not only can real estate be used to make an outright gift or bequest, but it can also be used to fund a charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity. A trust or annuity can provide you and/or another beneficiary with income for the rest of your life or lives. Ultimately, the remaining value is transferred to the Foundation to benefit the university as you have specified.
For more information on using real estate to fund a trust or annuity, or to make a bequest of real estate, please visit University Office of Gift Planning, or call 800.289.2354 or 541.346.1687.
The Foundation evaluates all potential gifts of real estate for marketability and potential environmental concerns. We ask donors to supply detailed information on the property before we accept the gift. All costs of the due diligence process are paid by the Foundation. If the gift is accepted, the donor is separately responsible for obtaining and paying for a qualified appraisal as required by the IRS.
For More Information
If you have questions about the gift acceptance and due diligence process, call 541.302.0300 or please contact our Gift Services Department at giftservicesdept@uofoundation.org.