Endowed Gifts
Some of the most effective and far-reaching gifts are those that create endowments. Endowed funds are critical to the financial stability of the University of Oregon by providing both a current and future revenue stream that lasts in perpetuity. The Board approves an annual distribution amount that is made available for spending while the balance remains invested within a pool of similar funds to maximize returns with a prudent level of risk. The goal is to provide a relatively stable revenue stream to the university while maintaining the purchasing power of the endowment over time.
Learn more about the Foundation's endowment investment performance.
Creating an Endowment
An endowment can be created through an outright gift or pledge, through a bequest in a will, or through a life income gift such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust. An endowment is eligible for distribution once either the original values of all gifts or the market value on December 31 meets the minimum funding level at the time the endowment was established. Distributions begin the following fiscal year (July - June).
If you are interested in establishing an endowed fund, please contact the university development staff member in your area of interest, email University Advancement at stewardship@uoregon.edu or call 541.346.2113.