About the Foundation
Supporting the University of Oregon
The University of Oregon Foundation is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization responsible for administering private gifts made to further the University of Oregon's mission. Although the Foundation is a separate entity from the university, the Foundation's sole reason for existence is to partner with the university and serve in our donors' best interest. We are committed to the highest standards of service and ethical conduct when it comes to managing donor gifts for the benefit of the university. Donors entrust the Foundation with fiduciary oversight of their charitable gifts and, in turn, we hold in confidence the details of that giving and other related information.
Since 1922, the Foundation has received, invested, and distributed private gifts, funding student scholarships, faculty support, academic programs, and building improvements. The Board-approved investment strategy and distribution rate are designed to provide stable financial support for the university while preserving the purchasing power of the endowment and trust funds in the future. The Foundation ensures that all university spending of donor money is consistent with the donor's intention.
Ensuring the management of donor gifts is a tremendous responsibility that every Board member and staff person take very seriously. This factors into every major decision the Foundation and its Board make, and whether that decision will affect the university today or not for many years to come.

Core Values
The Foundation applies important core values to our everyday interactions with colleagues, trustees, and donors. We base our business decisions and communications on the priorities of:
Trust – Tell the Truth
Respect – Be Nice
Integrity – Do the Right Thing
Commitment – Follow Through
Foundation responsibilities include:
Receipting and acknowledging donor gifts;
Directing gifts to separately identifiable funds based on the purpose from the donor;
Handling donor information with respect and confidentiality to the extent provided by law;
Making regular reports to donors;
Responding to donor questions with prompt, truthful, and forthright answers;
Ensuring spending is consistent with the terms of the donor's designation;
Managing unrestricted funds to provide the greatest benefit for the university;
Acting as custodian for endowed gifts;
Serving in legal capacities for planned giving arrangements.

Relationship Between the University, Donors, and the Foundation
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University Development staff cultivate relationships with prospective and current donors and solicit gifts for the University. The University encourages gifts for purposes such as student scholarships, faculty support, academic programs, research, athletics, and building improvements.
Donors make gifts to the University of Oregon through the Foundation. Gifts are typically cash, securities, property, or deferred gifts. Donors may also choose to make a pledge to the University to be paid over time by any of the above means. Donors typically designate their gift to benefit a particular program, department or scholarship, either for current spending or as an endowment that will have limited spending but exist in perpetuity.
University of Oregon Foundation
The Foundation is a separate legal entity from the University, and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The Foundation receives, records, receipts, and invests the gifts to the University. Gifts are held in separate equities based upon donor-designated purpose. The Foundation manages the funds until the University requests a distribution. The Foundation also maintains confidential donor information. Authorized university staff may receive data for use in fundraising.
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The University requests distributions from a specific equity based upon matching the current campus needs with the designated purpose.
If you have questions about the University of Oregon Foundation, please feel welcome to contact us at info@uofoundation.org or call 541.302.0300.