​​Stock Certificates Held by Broker
Electronic Stock Transfers
There is a reasonable chance that the Foundation already has an existing account with your brokerage firm. The stock transfer can take place within that firm, from the donor to the Foundation account. If there is no Foundation account set up at the brokerage, then you should ask your broker to transfer stock to one of the Foundation's brokers. Since transfer instructions may change from year to year, be sure your broker contacts us before the transfer is made to prevent any potential problems with the transfer.
To ensure proper credit of your gift, please notify us in advance of any electronic transfers of securities by completing the online Stock Transfer Form. The information you provide should include a description of the securities donated, the number of shares of stock or face amount of bonds, your name, address, phone number and e-mail address if available.
The gift valuation date is the date that the stock is received in the Foundation's account.
For more information, please contact our stock gifts team at stockgifts@uofoundation.org
or call 541.302.0300.